Friday, September 09, 2005,9:36 AM
Three Rules To Survive The Party Circuit
"Remember the time I grabbed your fatzzzzzzzzz, Evie?"

Eve grimaced, thinking of the incident where she slurred herself to total humiliation. I do not intend to allow Eve the opportunity to forget the night when she was so spaced out on Long Islands and Tequila Pops that I had to drag the poor drunk home. Broke my darn Aldo trying to get Eve out of the taxi and into the apartment.

“So here are the rules for partying.” I said, then paced myself on the cream shag pile. We were having a lazy afternoon off work. I wore a deep purple chiffon blouse with my favorite 593 Levis while Eve, in her normal stylish self, wore a pink blouse, paired with blue jeans.

“One! We will only drink from our glasses. Never take a drink offered.”

Flashbacks of the two incidences where my drinks were “enchaned” in Lola popped up from the quiet corners of my mind. I was yet to figure our how I got spiked that way. Was it Nick? Could it be David?

“Not even if it's from a friend named Nick.” Eve said, as if she could read my mind.

“Two! We will always keep together and stick together. No horny round-ups in the public toilet with unfamiliar boys.”

I was referring to the Chinese New year incident when Eve held a classmate’s (note: not her boyfriend) hand and merrily skipped to the unisex together. In Eve’s defence, she had 4 Long Islands and 7 shots of Tequilas. Eve never mentioned what happened in there, even when I tried fishing for details when she was drunk. That woman knows how to zip her lips.

”Three! We will always go home at the end night. You and I, without anyone else.” I looked at Eve in the eye.

Dear readers, especially parents with teenage daughters: This is how Eve and I survived 5 years of back-to-back partying with lots of humorous moments and hardly a scratch. Okay there was just this one time…
posted by Otto
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