Thursday, September 08, 2005,2:43 AM
Platonic Bullshit
Between men and women there is no friendship possible.
There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.
~ Oscar Wilde

"All men will say they want to fuck you lah..." he said.

"I am just so traumatized. Why can't he just say peeing on a girl's foot or something? Anything..." I replied.

A deep sigh. Earlier this morning, I called Indie at 10 a.m. to talk about last night. The naked emotional session with Seven. Eight hours later, we sat at his front porch. Two green trees shelters us from the rest of the world. Cammomile tea with honey. Amber from the Ylang Ylang incense gently dropped onto the table as we chatted along.

"If it is a man, he'll say he fantasizes fucking you. If he says he has pure intentions, he's a fucking liar." Indie tipped ashes into his favourite ashtray - a tin container from The Bodyshop. "Men are never just friends with any girl. Trust me." He tapped his ciggie twice.

One of the main reasons why I enjoy Indie's company is his honesty. It is so honest, it's almost brutal. However I appreciate his honesty. Makes a girl's life much easier to live, trust me. A guy friend like Indie is like a Russian military coat - he's the latest fashion must have for every girl. Worth more than all the Jimmy Choos combined. Indie tells me the absolute truth about men, saving me much time trying to figure men out. And I hardly have any heartaches since knowing Indie, because he tells it as it is, minus sugar coating and all.

Dear female readers: Forget about Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus crap. You just need a guy like Indie, always spilling the truth, corrupting your soul forever.
posted by Otto
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